

Website/URL/Link Scanner Safety Check for Phishing, Malware, Viruses [results:] -

Website/URL/Link Scanner Safety Check for Phishing, Malware, Viruses [results:] - Enter a URL/link (web address) or website/domain below, and we'll see if it's been reported for phishing, hosting malware/viruses, or poor reputation.

ALSO - it includes a long list of links to other resources at the bottom of a search. - Free URL scanner - Free URL scanner: is a service for detecting and analyzing web-based malware. It


UCSM login problems with the Java 7 Update 45

UCSM login problems with the Java 7 Update 45

Cisco UCS Manager can't logon

HL Tools - Part 1 - Clone a VM without vCenter | LucD notesLucD notes

HL Tools - Part 1 - Clone a VM without vCenter | LucD notesLucD notes: Clone a VM without vCenter

HL Tools - Part 2 - Create a Nested Hypervisor | LucD notesLucD notes

HL Tools - Part 2 - Create a Nested Hypervisor | LucD notesLucD notes: Create a Nested Hypervisor

Simple Host Time Information

Simple Host Time Information

Get-VMHost | Sort Name | Select Name, `
  @{N="NTPServer";E={$_ |Get-VMHostNtpServer}}, `Timezone, `
  @{N="CurrentTime";E={(Get-View $_.ExtensionData.ConfigManager.DateTimeSystem) | Foreach {$_.QueryDateTime().ToLocalTime()}}}, `
  @{N="ServiceRunning";E={(Get-VmHostService -VMHost $_ |Where-Object {$_.key-eq "ntpd"}).Running}} `
 | Format-Table -AutoSize

Exporting all that useful VM information with PowerCLI »

Exporting all that useful VM information with PowerCLI » Exporting all that useful VM information with PowerCLI

dvSwitch scripting - Part 13 - Export/Restore Config | LucD notesLucD notes

dvSwitch scripting - Part 13 - Export/Restore Config | LucD notesLucD notes: One of the exciting new dvSwitch features in vSphere 5.1 is the ability to export and restore a dvSwitch configuration.

This article explains how to do that in Powershell

Cheap disaster recovery using PowerShell

Cheap disaster recovery using PowerShell: Cheap disaster recovery

Poor mans SRM

InventorySnapshot – VMware Labs

InventorySnapshot – VMware Labs: InventorySnapshot allows a user to “snapshot” a given vCenter inventory configuration and then reproduce it.


Exchange 2007 Performance Troubleshooting

Exchange 2007 Performance Troubleshooting

the RPC Counters – these counters will show you if the clients are “feeling” a resource issue
  • MsExchangeIS\RPCAveraged Latency – should be under  50 (100 if in cached)
    • RPC Operations/Sec – Relative (Baseline\Trending
    • RPC Requests – Rec  under 70
  • If you see RPC ops go at around time of latency may be adding too much load