Woodstone bvba Servers Alive
Current version: v3.0.995
Servers Alive is an end-to-end network monitor program. Among the many checks it can do: it can monitor any Winsock service, ping a host, check if an NT service/process is running, check the available disk space on a server, retrieve an URL, check your database engine, and more. When it detects a down condition it can warn you in various ways, including sending you an email (SMTP) saying what is down, or paging you with a numeric or alphanumeric warning. It's also the first monitoring program to support WAP pages viewable with wireless devices. Servers Alive also supports host dependency and can be easily interrogated using a telnet client and/or a web browser.
The program can monitor up to 10 hosts/services in the unregistered version and up to 1000 in the registered version. If your organization only needs monitoring for 10 or less services then use Servers Alive for FREE as long as you want!