MS Exchange Failover to SCR Node
It was a really fun weekend. Scheduled building powerdown overnight -- shutdown Exchange servers gracefully. Next morning
both CCR nodes fail to boot up. After hours on the phone with server vendor, SAN vendor, and Microsoft decided to failover to SCR copy. It didn't seem to go according to documents I've read.
Below are notes of how documents said it should work:
To get a formated list of SG settings:
Get-storagegroup -server priexs01ccr | fl
The following commands were used to move PRIEXS01CCR to SCR target SECEXS01-1:
Restore-StorageGroupCopy –Identity
(Pasted from
StandbyMachine NH-W2K3-SRV01 -Force
(Pasted from
Get-storagegroup -server priexs01ccr | Restore-StorageGroupCopy -StandbyMachine Secexs01-1 -Force
Get-Storagegroup -server priexs01ccr | Disable-StorageGroupCopy -StandbyMachine Secexs01-1 -Confirm:$false
(Will most likely return errors)
Get-storagegroupcopystatus -server priexs01ccr -StandbyMachine Secexs01-1
(This is to verify that the StgCopy returns not configured)
DNS: change IP to new CMS IP
Verify the id used for cluster service has change computer perm in AD.
DO NOT RUN /NEWCMS unless you have MS on the phone and they tell you to.
Run the following with the correct info: /RecoverCMS /CMSName:CCREX01 /CMSIPAddress:
(Pasted from
This is what we actually did with MS support: /RecoverCMS /CMSName:priexs01ccr /CMSIPAddress:
Get-MailboxDatabase -Server priexs01ccr | Set-MailboxDatabase -AllowFileRestore:$True
Get-MailboxDatabase -Server priexs01ccr | Mount-Database
Get-MailboxDatabase -Server priexs01ccr -Status |ft *name*,*mount*
(Creates a formated list with status)
Verify Allow restore is no longer checked on SGs, this should occur automatically after the DBs mount, but just in-case.