


Quote from: Buck WoodyThese objects and counters serve as a demonstration of the types of things I monitor for a SQL Server application I use:






Data Maps Hits %

NTFS Processing Efficiency

Should be better than 90% or may need to defrag Hard Drive


MDL Read Hits %

Cache Hits for IIS

Should be better than 90%


% Committed Bytes

Shows memory use

Should be under 70


Available MBytes

How much unallocated RAM is left on the server

Should be greater than 50MB


Cache Faults/Sec

Physical Disk Read I/O Operation

The fewer the better

Network Interface

Bytes Total/sec

Shows network activity

Network Monitor Driver must be installed for accurate measurement of networkitems - Measure against network bandwidth availability

Network Segment

% Network Utilization

Total Network segment use - not from this server alone

Depends on many networking variables, but can be useful to a Networkspecialist


Current Disk Queue Length:_Total

Shows physical drive activity

Less than 3 per physical disk is acceptable


% Disk Read Time

How much time spent doing reads

Combine with Writes to see if Index usage is correct - may need to adjustfillfactor


% Disk Time -- _Total

Shows drive activity

diskperf -yv is required for proper logical disk counters to operate. Shouldbe less than 55% - watch for increase


% Disk Write Time

How much time spent doing writes

Combine with Reads to see if Index usage is correct - may need to adjustfillfactor


% Processor Time

Pick Specific Object

Will explain how much that object is taking on the processor


% Total Processor Time

Shows the CPU activity being taken by all processes

Should not exceed 80% for continuous periods with high Proc Queue Length.NOTE: W2K measures non-busy time and subtracts it from 100%


Bytes Received/Sec

Data received by the server NIC



Bytes Transmitted/Sec

Data sent by the server NIC


SQL Server:Access Methods

Full Scans/Sec

Table scans

For the entire server - not just one database

SQL Server:Access Methods

Page Splits/Sec

Splits happen when data or indexes span a page (8k)

Fillfactors may not be correct if this is high

SQL Server:Buffer Manager

Cache Size (pages)


Multiply x 8192 for RAM amount, should be close to the RAM in yoursystem.

SQL Server:Locks

Average Wait Time (ms)

Time processes spend waiting on a lock release

Should not be high

SQL Server:Locks

Number of Deadlocks

Number of processes deadlocking each other

Measurement is by the second

SQL Server:Memory Manager

Target Server Memory

How much RAM SQL wants


SQL Server:Memory Manager

Total Server Memory

How much RAM SQL is using


SQL Server:SQL Statistics

Batch Requests/Sec

Bow many batches sent to SQL Server

Over 1000 indicates a busy SQL Server - May indicate CPU bottleneck. A 100Mbnetwork card can handle 3000 per second.

SQL Server:SQl Statistics

SQL Compilations/Sec

How many compiles SQL has to do

Over 100 may indicate a SQL problem

SQLServer:Buffer Manager

Buffer Cache Hit Ratio

Shows how much data is found in the Buffer

Should be 99% or greater

SQLServer:General Statistics

User Connections

Shows the number of connections taken on the SQL Server



% Total Privileged Time

Kernel mode operations

Should be less than 20% or may be IO bound. Pair with %Disk time counter tosee if greater than 50%. Can also indicate driver or NIC.


Context Switches/Sec

Server thread switches

Should not exceed 8000 per second, per processor


Processor Queue Length

Shows the amount of processes waiting for CPU time

Pairs with % Processor Time counter - Should not be greater than 2 perproc.

Web Service

GET Requests/Sec

Number of GET requests

Each GET connection attempt

Web Service

POST Requests/Sec

Number of POST requests

Each POST connection attempt

Web Service

Total Method Requests/Sec

Hits on the Web Server

Service Request rate

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