

DHCP Client Behavior

DHCP Client Behavior - Microsoft Enterprise Networking Team - Site Home - TechNet Blogs
in situations where a DHCP Server fails or is not available, client behavior needs to be understood for efficient use. Then there are cases where a laptop user roams between his house (static IP) and office (DHCP) and does not want to keep changing the TCPIP properties every time.

First, let’s understand DHCP client behavior when DHCP server is not available. To understand well, we will observe the etl trace taken on a DHCP client. Ref: - “netsh dhcp client trace enable”. Etl tracing is saved as the following files: %windir%\system32\logfiles\WMI\dhcpcsvc.etl, dhcpcsvc6.etl and dhcpqec.etl.


Anonymous said...

How do I parse the .etl file?

DataComGuy said...

You can open an ETL file with Microsoft Network Monitor.