


IPv6 - Quick Notes
- 128 bit address
    - repeating 0's are abbreviated
      fd59:8f91:f52d::1:0:0:1 ->
- Loopback - ::1/128
- Link-local - fe80::/10 - can communicate with other machines on same switch
     - could end up with interfaces that have the same address
     - resolved using scope id
- Scope ID
     - only non-global IP's
     - only valid on same machine -- don't put on wire.
     - postfixed with %
         - e.g. http://[fe80::1:2%2]:80/index.html
                for interface "2"
- Site-local - fec0::/10
     - (like
     - not officially usable - use unique-local instead
     - Useful for lab
- unique-local - fc00::/8, fd00::/8
     - fc00::/8 - from allocation authoritiy
     - fd00::/8 - randomly assigned via rfc4193
     - block these numbers - do not route
- Global - 2000::/3
     - All publicly accessible IP's
     - No NAT
- Tunnel IPV6 over IPV4
     - 6to4 requires endpoint have public IP
          - 2002::/16
     - Teredo - encapsulate ipv6 packet in IPv4 UDP
          - 2001::/16
- IPv4 Mapped - ::ffff/96
     - ::ffff:
     - Dual stack (have both)
     - security! - will firewall rules apply?  tunneling will bypass firewall?


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VMWare 5 Converter will fix disk alignment of virtual machines!
Check box for "create optimized partition layout"

Understanding Disk Alignment

The graphic above shows that SAN’s, VMFS, and NTFS virtual disks all have different block sizes.  Aligning all these layers to start their disk units at the same place can make disk operations more efficient and keep the physical disks from working harder than necessary.  For example, if these are not aligned, a call to read a single NTFS block may require the SAN to read three blocks as shown below:

The greatest efficiency is achieved when these layers are aligned so that the desired NTFS block requires only one SAN block to be read:



VMFS Alignment

When VMFS volumes are created by the vSphere client, they are aligned on a 64K boundary. Check your SAN vendor’s documentation but in most cases the default 64K boundary will work.

NTFS Alignment

Windows 2003 and older align on 32K which will not match up with the 64K for VMFS. Windows 2008 by default will align on a 1024K boundary – this works with VMFS because 1024K is divisible by 64K.