

Duplicate IP address registrations in DNS

Duplicate IP address registrations in DNS

Very useful discussion of this issue and methods to address it.

Also a script to identify duplicate IP addresses in DNS:

#Import the Active Directory Module
import-module activedirectory

#Define an empty array to store computers with duplicate IP address registrations in DNS
$duplicate_comp = @()

#Get all computers in the current Active Directory domain along with the IPv4 address
#The IPv4 address is not a property on the computer account so a DNS lookup is performed
#The list of computers is sorted based on IPv4 address and assigned to the variable $comp
$comp = get-adcomputer -filter * -properties ipv4address | sort-object -property ipv4address

#For each computer object returned, assign just a sorted list of all 
#of the IPv4 addresses for each computer to $sorted_ipv4
$sorted_ipv4 = $comp | foreach {$_.ipv4address} | sort-object

#For each computer object returned, assign just a sorted, unique list 
#of all of the IPv4 addresses for each computer to $unique_ipv4
$unique_ipv4 = $comp | foreach {$_.ipv4address} | sort-object | get-unique

#compare $unique_ipv4 to $sorted_ipv4 and assign just the additional 
#IPv4 addresses in $sorted_ipv4 to $duplicate_ipv4
$duplicate_ipv4 = Compare-object -referenceobject $unique_ipv4 -differenceobject $sorted_ipv4 | foreach {$_.inputobject}

#For each instance in $duplicate_ipv4 and for each instance 
#in $comp, compare $duplicate_ipv4 to $comp If they are equal, assign
#the computer object to array $duplicate_comp
foreach ($duplicate_inst in $duplicate_ipv4)
    foreach ($comp_inst in $comp)
        if (!($duplicate_inst.compareto($comp_inst.ipv4address)))
            $duplicate_comp = $duplicate_comp + $comp_inst

#Pipe all of the duplicate computers to a formatted table
$duplicate_comp | ft name,ipv4address -a

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