

Check services on all servers

# For all servers, find services with Automatic Startup that are not running
# Ignore SysMonLog("Performance Monitor Logs and Alerts")
#$startflag = $true
$startflag = $false
$inputfile = ".\dc-list.txt"
$names = Get-Content list.txt
$today = get-date
write "==========================================================================="
write " $today"
write " Automatic Service Status"
foreach($name in $names) {
write "---------------------------------------------------------------------------"
write-host " $name"
$svc = Get-WmiObject Win32_Service -ComputerName $name -erroraction SilentlyContinue
if ($svc) { #not null
foreach ($service in $svc) {
$svcname = $
$svcdisplay = $service.displayname
$svcmode = $service.startMode
$svcstate = $service.state
if ($svcname -ne "SysMonLog") {
if ($svcmode -eq "Auto") {
if ($svcstate -eq "Stopped"){
write-host " $svcdisplay = DOWN"
if ($startflag) { #start it up
write-host " starting $svcdisplay"
$service.StartService() >$nul
$svc = Get-WmiObject Win32_Service -ComputerName $name -Filter "name='$svcname'"
write-host " " $svcdisplay "..." $($svc.State)
} #if start flag
} #if stopped
}#if Auto
}#foreach service
}#if not null
else { write-host " ERROR: $name - No Response" }
}#foreach server
write "==========================================================================="

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I really like this little script. Very handy.