

Powershell: Bulk Creation of HP-BL Virtual Connect Profiles

Powershell: Bulk Creation of HP-BL Virtual Connect Profiles

#  clone-profile.ps1
#  Copy a template and associate with physical server
#  INPUT:  CSV file containing list of profile names, IP# of enclosure, and Bay

$vcuser = "admin"
$inputfile = ".\servers.csv"

$pw = Read-Host "Enter Password for $vcuser" -AsSecureString
$profiles = get-content $inputfile
$tempfile = ".\\cmdfile.txt"

$today = get-date
$day = $today.Day
$mth = $today.Month
$year = $today.Year
$hour = $today.Hour
$min = $today.Minute
$sec = $today.Second
$date = "$year-$mth-$day-$hour$min$sec"
$logfile = ".\create-profile-$date.log"

write "$date Create HP BL Profiles" | out-file $logfile -encoding ascii
foreach ($profile in $profiles) {
	"--------------------------------------------------------------------------------" | out-file $logfile -encoding ascii -append
	$profile | out-file $logfile -encoding ascii -append
	$server = ($profile -split',')
	$name = $server[0]
	$vcip = $server[1]
	$bay = $server[2]
	if ($vcip -eq "") { $template = "Template01" }
	if ($vcip -eq "") { $template = "Template_2" }

	#create command file
	write "copy profile $template $name" | out-file $tempfile -encoding ascii
        write "poweroff server $bay -force" | out-file $tempfile -encoding ascii -append
        write "assign profile $name $bay" | out-file $tempfile -encoding ascii -append	

	#convert $pw to plain text
		$pass = [Runtime.InteropServices.Marshal]::PtrToStringAuto(
	$result = (./plink.exe -batch -ssh -l $vcuser -pw $pass $vcip -m $tempfile) | out-string
	$pass ='' #erase plain txt pw
	$result | out-file $logfile -encoding ascii -append
}#end foreach
"--------------------------------------------------------------------------------" | out-file $logfile -encoding ascii -append

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